dimanche 26 novembre 2017

RedCV: Convex Hull

The convex hull problem in geometry applied to image processing tries to find the smallest convex set containing the points. This is useful to process shapes in images for example.
There are many approaches for handling this problem, but for RedCV we focused on the Quick Hull algorithm, which is one of the easiest to implement and has a reasonable expected running time of O(n log n). A clear explanation of the algorithm can be found here: http://www.ahristov.com/tutorial/geometry-games/convex-hull.html. Thanks to Alexander Hristov for the original Java code.

Red CV rcvQuickHull Function

Finds the convex hull of a point set
rcvQuickHull: function [points [block!] return: [block!] /cw/ccw]
points: Input 2D point set as pair!
Returns output convex hull as a block of pair
/cw/ccw : Orientation flag. If cw, the output convex hull is oriented clockwise. Otherwise, it is oriented counter-clockwise. The assumed coordinate system has its X axis pointing to the right, and its Y axis pointing upwards.

Code Sample calling rcvQuickHull

Code uses  generatePoints function to create the set of points as pair!
Code also uses rcvContourArea which calculates the area of polygon generated by rcvQuickHull function.
Data visualization is made with Red Draw DSL in showHull function.
Red [
    Title:   "Test images Red VID "
    Author:  "Francois Jouen"
    File:    %convexArea.red
    Needs:   'View

{Quick Hull implementation
Based on Alexander Hristov's Java code

; all we need for computer vision with red
#include %../../libs/redcv.red ; for red functions

margins: 10x10      
isize: 256x256
nbpMax: 100
nbp: 3
radius: 2.5
cg: 0x0
img: rcvCreateImage isize

plot: copy []
points: copy []

random/seed now/time/precise

generatePoints: does [
    nbp: random nbpMax
    if nbp < 3 [nbp: 3]
    nbpf2/text: form nbp
    canvas/image/rgb: 0.0.0
    plot: copy [fill-pen green]
    canvas/image: draw img plot
    points: copy []
    i: 1
    while [i < (nbp + 1)] [
        p: random 128x128 
        p:  64x64 + p
        append points p
        append plot 'circle 
        append plot p
        append plot radius
        i: i + 1
    append plot [fill-pen off line-width 1 pen red]

showHull: does [
    clear list/data 
    either cb2/data [chull: rcvQuickHull/ccw points] [chull: rcvQuickHull/cw points]
    n: length? chull
    append plot 'polygon
    sumX: 0
    sumY: 0
    ; for centroid
    foreach p chull [append plot p sumX: sumX + p/x sumY: sumY + p/y]
    cg/x: sumX / n
    cg/y: sumY / n 
    if cb1/data [i: 1 foreach p chull [append plot reduce ['text p form (i)] i: i + 1]]
    i: 1
    foreach p chull [s: form i append append  s " : " to string! p
                    append list/data s i: i + 1]
    if cb3/data [append plot reduce ['fill-pen red 'circle (cg) radius + 1]]
    if cb4/data [
        append plot [fill-pen off line-width 1 pen green line 0x128 256x128 
        pen off pen green line 128x0 128x256]
    canvas/image: draw img plot
    if cb5/data [areaF/text: form rcvContourArea/signed chull]

view win: layout [
    title "Quick Convex Hull Area"
    origin margins space margins
    text "Max Number of points"
    nbpf: field 50 data nbpMax [if error? try [nbpMax: to integer! face/data] [nbp: nbp]]
    button 80x30 "Generate" [if error? try [nbpMax: to integer! nbpf/data] [nbpMax: nbpMax] 
                          generatePoints canvas/image: draw img plot showHull]
    nbpf2: field 50
    pad 180x0
    button 50 "Quit"    [Quit]
    cb1: check "Show Numbers"
    cb2: check 50 "CCW"
    cb3:  check "Centroid"
    cb4: check 50 "Axes"
    cb5:  check 60 "Area"
    areaF: field 100
    canvas: base 512x512 img
    list: text-list 100x512 data []




Reading video files with Red

The support for video files is planned in the future versions of Red. But actually Red and RedCV cannot read and process video files. Sometimes I need to quickly read some video files and I appreciate using ffmpeg tools such as ffplay. This code is just a simple way to read videos with ffplay from Red. The code was developped under macOS but can be adapted to Windows OS.
Enjoy :)

A sample

The code

Red [
    Title:   "macOS FFMPEG Player"
    Author:  "Francois Jouen"
    File:    %rffplay.red
    Needs:   'View

fileName: ""
prog: "" 
isFile: false

command: {List of commands
q, ESC: Quit.
f: Toggle full screen.
p, SPC: Pause.
m: Toggle mute.
9, 0:  Decrease and increase volume respectively.
/, *: Decrease and increase volume respectively.
a: Cycle audio channel in the current program.
v: Cycle video channel.
t: Cycle subtitle channel in the current program.
c: Cycle program.
w: Cycle video filters or show modes.
s: Step to the next frame.
left/right: Seek backward/forward 10 seconds.
down/up: Seek backward/forward 1 minute.
page down/page up :Seek to the previous/next chapter. or if there are no chapters Seek backward/forward 10 minutes.
right mouse click: Seek to percentage in file corresponding to fraction of width.
left mouse double-click: Toggle full screen.

loadFile: does [
    isFile: false
    tmp: request-file
    if not none? tmp [
        fileName: to string! to-file tmp
        win/text: fileName
        isFile: true

playFile: does [
    if isFile [
        prog: copy "ffplay '" 
        append append prog FileName "'" 
        either cb/data [call/console prog] [call prog]

view win: layout [
    title "macOS ffplay"
    origin 10x10 space 10x10
    button "Load" [loadFile]
    button "Play" [playFile]
    cb: check "Show Console" 
    button "Quit" [prog: "killall ffplay" call prog Quit]
    info: area 500x280
    do [info/text: command]