dimanche 26 novembre 2017

Reading video files with Red

The support for video files is planned in the future versions of Red. But actually Red and RedCV cannot read and process video files. Sometimes I need to quickly read some video files and I appreciate using ffmpeg tools such as ffplay. This code is just a simple way to read videos with ffplay from Red. The code was developped under macOS but can be adapted to Windows OS.
Enjoy :)

A sample

The code

Red [
    Title:   "macOS FFMPEG Player"
    Author:  "Francois Jouen"
    File:    %rffplay.red
    Needs:   'View

fileName: ""
prog: "" 
isFile: false

command: {List of commands
q, ESC: Quit.
f: Toggle full screen.
p, SPC: Pause.
m: Toggle mute.
9, 0:  Decrease and increase volume respectively.
/, *: Decrease and increase volume respectively.
a: Cycle audio channel in the current program.
v: Cycle video channel.
t: Cycle subtitle channel in the current program.
c: Cycle program.
w: Cycle video filters or show modes.
s: Step to the next frame.
left/right: Seek backward/forward 10 seconds.
down/up: Seek backward/forward 1 minute.
page down/page up :Seek to the previous/next chapter. or if there are no chapters Seek backward/forward 10 minutes.
right mouse click: Seek to percentage in file corresponding to fraction of width.
left mouse double-click: Toggle full screen.

loadFile: does [
    isFile: false
    tmp: request-file
    if not none? tmp [
        fileName: to string! to-file tmp
        win/text: fileName
        isFile: true

playFile: does [
    if isFile [
        prog: copy "ffplay '" 
        append append prog FileName "'" 
        either cb/data [call/console prog] [call prog]

view win: layout [
    title "macOS ffplay"
    origin 10x10 space 10x10
    button "Load" [loadFile]
    button "Play" [playFile]
    cb: check "Show Console" 
    button "Quit" [prog: "killall ffplay" call prog Quit]
    info: area 500x280
    do [info/text: command]

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