samedi 3 février 2018

Read movies with Red

In the previous post, we explained how Red can write compressed webcam images to a file. Of course, Red is also able to read back stored images in file. This is possible with 2 functions: readHeader and readImage. 

readHeader Function

As explain in a previous post, Red Video Files (*.rvf) include a 36-byte header which contains all information we need to read video cam. Video file is used as parameter for this first function which reads as binary the first 36 bytes of the file and gets all the information about the movie such as the number of images, the image size or fps and so on.

RCAM Four CC Red signature
Number of images in the file
Image x size
Image y size
Duration in sec (float value)
Frames by Sec
Compressed data (1) or not (0)

readHeader: func [file [file!]][
    f: read/binary/part file headerSize         ; 36 bytes for the header
    s: to-string copy/part f 4                  ; should be "RCAM"          
    nImages: to-integer copy/part skip f 4 4    ; number of images in movie
    imgSize/x: to-integer copy/part skip f 8 4  ; image X size  
    imgSize/y: to-integer copy/part skip f 12 4 ; image Y size
    duration: to-float copy/part skip f 16 8    ; movie duration in sec
    fps: to-integer copy/part skip f 24 4       ; frames/sec
    zComp: to-integer copy/part skip f 28 4     ; compressed or uncompressed data
    s: to-string copy/part skip f 32 4          ; should be "DATA"

After reading the file header, the second operation (see loadMovie function in code sample) is to get the offset of each image included in the movie. We use a simple block! datatype  (movie) to store the list of images offset as explained:

movie: copy []
i: 0 
; makes image offset index
nextIndex: headerSize ; 36 bytes
while [i < nImages] [
    index: nextindex
    rgbSize: to-integer copy/part f 4
    nextindex: index + rgbSize + 8
    f: skip f rgbSize + 8
    append movie index
    i: i + 1

readImage Function

Then it is really simple to write a function which takes the image number as parameter and gets image data associated to the image offset value. Since images are compressed or uncompressed we need to get both sizes (rgbSize and urgbSize). Each image  is organized as follows:

Compressed Image Size
Non-compressed Image Size
binary rgb values
4 bytes
4 bytes
rgbSize bytes

readImage: func [n [integer!]][
    idx: movie/:n                                   ; get image offset
    rgbSize: to-integer copy/part skip f idx 4      ; get compressed size
    urgbSize: to-integer copy/part skip f idx + 4 4 ; get uncompressed size
    rgb: copy/part skip f idx + 8 rgbSize           ; get binary values 
    ;decompress if necessary
    either zComp = 0 [img/rgb: rgb] [img/rgb: rcvDecompressRGB rgb urgbSize]
    canvas/image: img                               ; update image container

Code sample

Red [
    Title:   "Test camera Red VID "
    Author:  "Francois Jouen"
    Needs:   View redCV
#include %../../libs/ ; for redCV functions
margins: 5x5
iSize: 640x480
imgSize: 0x0
nImages: rgbSize: urgbSize: 0
img: rcvCreateImage iSize
currentImg: 1
duration: 0.0
fps: 0
freq: to-time compose [0 0 0.0]
zComp: 0
headerSize: 36
f: none
isFile: false

readImage: func [n [integer!]][
    if isFile[
        f5/text: form n
        idx: movie/:n                                       ; get image offset
        rgbSize: to-integer copy/part skip f idx 4          ; get compressed size
        urgbSize: to-integer copy/part skip f idx + 4 4     ; get uncompressed size
        rgb: copy/part skip f idx + 8 rgbSize               ; get binary values 
        ;decompress if necessary
        either zComp = 0 [img/rgb: rgb] [img/rgb: rcvDecompressRGB rgb urgbSize]
        canvas/image: img                                   ; update image container

updateSlider: does [sl/data: to-percent (currentImg / to-float nImages)]

readAllImages: does [
    either currentImg < nImages [currentImg: currentImg + 1 readImage  currentImg]
                                [currentImg: 0]

readHeader: func [file [file!]][
    f: read/binary/part file headerSize             ; 36 bytes for the header
    s: to-string copy/part f 4                      ; should be "RCAM"          
    nImages: to-integer copy/part skip f 4 4        ; number of images in movie
    imgSize/x: to-integer copy/part skip f 8 4      ; image X size  
    imgSize/y: to-integer copy/part skip f 12 4     ; image Y size
    duration: to-float copy/part skip f 16 8        ; movie duration in sec
    fps: to-integer copy/part skip f 24 4           ; frames/sec
    zComp: to-integer copy/part skip f 28 4         ; compressed or uncompressed data
    s: to-string copy/part skip f 32 4              ; should be "DATA"
    ; update fields and variables
    either zComp = 0 [f6/text: rejoin [ form zComp " : Uncompressed video"]] 
                     [f6/text: rejoin [ form zComp " : ZLib compressed video"]]
    f1/text: rejoin [form nImages " frames"]
    f2/text: form imgSize
    f3/text: rejoin [form round duration " sec"]
    f4/text: rejoin [form fps " FPS"]
    freq: to-time compose [0 0 (1.0 / fps)]

loadMovie: func [] [
    tmp: request-file/filter ["Red Video Files" "*.rvf"]
    if not none? tmp [
        readHeader tmp                      ; read movie header
        f: read/binary/seek tmp headerSize  ; go to first image
        movie: copy []
        i: 0 
        ; makes image offset index
        nextIndex: headerSize ; 36 bytes
        while [i < nImages] [
            index: nextindex
            rgbSize: to-integer copy/part f 4
            nextindex: index + rgbSize + 8
            f: skip f rgbSize + 8
            append movie index
            i: i + 1
        isFile: true 
        sl/data: 0%
        f: read/binary tmp          ; head of file 
        img: rcvCreateImage imgSize ; we need a red image! for displaying video
        currentImg: 1
        readImage currentImg 
        win/text: copy form tmp

view win: layout [
    title "Reading red movie"
    origin margins space margins
    button "Load" [loadMovie]
    f1: field 150
    f2: field 100
    f3: field 100
    f4: field 100
    pad 40x0
    button "Quit" [quit]
    canvas: base iSize img
    sl: slider 615 [
                n: nImages - 1
                currentImg: to-integer (sl/data * n) + 1 
                readImage  currentImg]
    bt: base 20x20 black on-time [readAllImages]
    button "<<" [currentImg: 1 readImage currentImg sl/data: 0%]
    button ">>" [currentImg: nImages readImage currentImg updateSlider]
    button "<"  [if currentImg > 1 [currentImg: currentImg - 1 readImage currentImg]
    button ">"  [if currentImg < nImages [currentImg: currentImg + 1 readImage currentImg]
    onoff: button "Start/Stop" on-click [
        if isFile [
            either bt/rate = none [bt/color: green bt/rate: freq] 
            [bt/color: black bt/rate: none]
    f5: field 75
    f6: field 190
    do [bt/rate: none]

Red Interface for reading video

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