lundi 14 octobre 2024

Using Unicode Characters with Red

 Unicode characters can be used with Red for making nice GUI apps. 

A sample code is here:

But results are slightly different with macOS and Windows versions of Red.

With macOS, unicode characters are correctly displayed in a text-list (I mean with coloured characters).

This is not the case for Windows version with a black and white text-list.

This is probably related to a difference in backends for Red/View related to OS.

But, another difference is also observed when you use to-image function such as

button 200 "Copy to the clipboard" [
img: to-image cc
write-clipboard img
view [title "Image Copy" image 400x300 img button "Close" [unview]]

macOS gives an expected result with correct size and position.
Windows not: image is not correctly copied to the clipboard with correct size and position.

Why these differences? Not tested with Linux version of Red.

Thanks to qtxie for the fix :). Now macOS and Windows versions are similar.

Red team is very responsive !

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