vendredi 2 février 2018

Compress video with Red

As previously explained, Red can record video images originating from a webcam. However the solution adopted to store rgb values in a block! type is rather inefficient to record long movies since we are limited (32-bit) for the size of the block. So, we need to reduce the size of the video image for recording long movies.  In the code below we adopted a double approach to downsize images: first, reduce the image size and second, compress the reduced image with ZLib library. 
Unfortunately, Red camera face doesn't give access to the different resolutions proposed by the camera and just returns the maximal resolution that can be used for the camera. Of course this resolution depends on the connected camera and may vary.   

getResolution Function

In the code, the getResolution function gets the maximal resolution and calculates four possible resolutions by dividing the maximal resolution by 8, 4 or 2

getResolution: does [
    cam/selected: camList/selected
    img: to-image cam
    cSize/text: form img/size
    res: copy []
    append res to-string img/size / 8
    append res to-string img/size / 4
    append res to-string img/size / 2
    append res to-string img/size
    resList/data: res
    resList/selected: 3
    iSize: to-pair res/3
    cam/selected: none  

ProcessCam function

With this function we downsize the original video signal, and to record this video we used a base face which is updated to the required image size and used to store the webcam image.

canvas/image: to-image cam  ; orginal image
img: to-image canvas        ; reduced size image
Then, we can compress the reduced image with ZLib as explain in a previous post. If there is no image compression we just get image/rbg values. If compression is required we call the rcvCompressRGB function which is included in RedCV library and applies Zlib compression to the rgb/values
either zComp = 0 [vdata: img/rgb] [vdata: rcvCompressRGB img/rgb clevel]

When compressing data with Zlib, it's important to know the original and the reduced size of the image in order to uncompress back the image. Each record of the movie contains  the original and the reduced  image size followed by compressed or uncompressed data. To avoid memory overflow, we sequentially save each record into a temporary file used to update movie file when save option is required.

n1: length? vdata
n2: length? img/rgb
if isCreated [
    write/binary/append fTemp to-binary n1   ; compressed image size
    write/binary/append fTemp to-binary n2   ; uncompressed image size
    write/binary/append fTemp vdata          ; binary! #{FFOOFF...}   

Code sample

Red [
    Title:   "Test camera Red VID "
    Author:  "Francois Jouen"
    Needs:   View

#include %../../libs/ ; for redCV functions

clevel: -1 ; default compression
camSize: 0x0 
res: ["160x120" "320x240"]
iSize: to-pair res/2
x: iSize/x + 15
xx: iSize/x 
y: iSize/y + 50
margins: 10x10
img: rcvCreateImage iSize
cam: none ; for camera
canvas: none
imgSize: 0
nImages: 0
t1: t2: now/time/precise
elapsed: t2 - t1
fn: %video.rvf
fTemp: %video.rvf.tmp
d: 0.0
fps: 0
zComp: 0
isCreated: true
isRecording: false

getResolution: does [
    cam/selected: camList/selected
    img: to-image cam
    cSize/text: form img/size
    res: copy []
    append res to-string img/size / 8
    append res to-string img/size / 4
    append res to-string img/size / 2
    append res to-string img/size
    resList/data: res
    resList/selected: 3
    iSize: to-pair res/3
    cam/selected: none  

upDateWin: does [
    canvas/size: iSize
    x: iSize/x + 20
    xx: iSize/x 
    y: canvas/offset/y + iSize/y
    cb/offset/x: x
    btnCreate/offset/x: x
    l1/offset/x: x
    btnSave/offset/x: x
    btnQuit/offset/x: x
    cpx/offset/x: x + 5
    onoff/offset/x: x
    resList/offset/x: x
    camList/offset/x: x
    win/size/x: canvas/size/x + 200
    win/size/y: btnQuit/offset/y + 50
    if y > btnQuit/offset/y  [win/size/y: y + 30]

createVideo: does [
    ;fn: request-file/save/filter ["Red Video Files" "*.rvf"] 
    ;gets problems with FileSave Mode /save
    fn: request-file
        if not none? fn [
            ff: copy to-string fn
            append ff ".tmp"
            fTemp: to-file ff
            print [type? fn]
            win/text: to-string fn
            write/binary fn "RCAM"                  ;Four CC Red signature
            write/binary fTemp "DATA"               ;end of header
            isCreated: true
            nImages: 0
            t1: t2: now/time/precise
            elapsed: t2 - t1

updateFile: does[
    write/binary/append fn to-binary nImages        ;Number of images
    write/binary/append fn to-binary img/size/x     ;Image x size
    write/binary/append fn to-binary img/size/y     ;Image y size
    write/binary/append fn to-binary d              ;duration in sec
    write/binary/append fn to-binary fps            ;FPS
    write/binary/append fn to-binary zComp          ;compressed data (1) or not (0)
    f: read/binary fTemp
    write/binary/append fn f

processCam: does [
    nImages: nImages + 1
    ct/text: form nImages
    et/text: form now/time/precise - t1
    canvas/image: to-image cam  ; orginal image
    img: to-image canvas        ; reduced size image
    either zComp = 0 [vdata: img/rgb] [vdata: rcvCompressRGB img/rgb clevel]
    n1: length? vdata
    n2: length? img/rgb
    compression: 100 - (100 * n1 / n2)
    if isCreated [
        write/binary/append fTemp to-binary n1          ; compressed image size
        write/binary/append fTemp to-binary n2          ; uncompressed image size
        write/binary/append fTemp vdata                 ;binary! #{FFOOFF...}   
    cpx/text: rejoin [" Compression: " form compression]
    append cpx/text " %"

title: "Red Camera recording: "
view win: layout [
        title title
        origin margins space margins
        cam: camera 1x1
        b1: base margins black
        cSize: field 80
        ct: field 100
        et: field 110
        canvas: base iSize img rate 0:0:1 on-time [processCam]
        at as-pair x 40 btnCreate: button 160 "Create Video" [createVideo]
        at as-pair x 70 camList: drop-list 160 
        on-create [face/data: cam/data append title cam/data/1]
        on-change [getResolution upDateWin
                i: face/selected
                win/text: copy "Red Camera recording: "
                append win/text face/data/:i
        at as-pair x 100 l1: text 160 "Camera resolution" center
        at as-pair x 130 resList: drop-list 160 
        on-create [getResolution upDateWin]
        on-change [ 
            i: face/selected
            iSize: to-pair face/data/:i
        at as-pair x 160 cb: check 160 "Compressed video" [either face/data [zComp: 1] [zComp: 0]]
        at as-pair x 190 onoff: button 160 "Start/Stop" on-click [
                either cam/selected [
                    t2: now/time/precise
                    elapsed: elapsed + t2 - t1
                    b1/color: black
                    d: to-float elapsed
                    fps: to-integer round nImages / d
                    cam/selected: none
                    canvas/rate: none
                    canvas/image: none
                    isRecording: false
                    cam/selected: camList/selected
                    img: to-image cam
                    camSize: (img/size/x * img/size/y) * 3 
                    cSize/text: form img/size
                    imgSize: iSize/x * iSize/y * 3
                    canvas/rate: 0:0:0.04;  max 1/25 fps in ms
                    b1/color: green
                    isRecording: true
                    t1: now/time/precise
        at as-pair x 220 btnSave: button 160 "Save" [if isCreated and not isRecording [updateFile]]
        at as-pair x + 5 250 cpx: field 150
        at as-pair x 280 btnQuit: button 160 "Quit" on-click [delete fTemp quit]
        do [camList/selected: 1 canvas/rate: none cam/visible?: false]

Red interface

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